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St Ann's R.C. Primary School

Breakfast Club & Afterschool Club

Breakfast Club

7.45am - 8.45am


Our breakfast club is open every school day and costs £5 per session.  Please ensure you bring your child to the Hall.  We provide cereals, toast and drinks. Unfortunately, due to insurance reasons, we are unable to open the breakfast club before 7.45am.  Payment should be made through Parentpay or at the Office if your Parentpay account has not been activated.  If you need your activation code, please let us know.


After school Club

 3.30pm - 5.30pm



Our after school club is open every school day, unless we finish at 1.30pm. Toast is available as a snack.

We would like to remind parents that the cost of After School Club is £8 per session. Payment should be made through Parentpay or at the Infant office if your Parentpay account has not been activated.  Again, please contact the office if you require your Parentpay activation code.

Please collect your child from the hall

Failure to keep your Breakfast Club or After School Club payments up to date may result in the child’s place being offered to the next person on the waiting list.